Mail Room Security

Source: United States Postal Service


There are millions of businesses that use the mail.  The vast majority of these have only one to a few person(s) responsible for mail center-type operations.  Of these millions of businesses, there are thousands of large, complex corporate mail center operations.  The United States Postal Service (USPS) has compiled a summary of best practice procedures that can be used by any mail center.

These recommendations come from businesses that use mail and have been  shared with the USPS for distribution to its customers.  Since needs and resources are often different, every suggestion may not apply to all businesses.  You should determine which are best for your organization and conduct periodic security reviews of operations to identify needed improvements. 

The recommendations cover general security concepts such as:

  • General Mail Operation Preventative Measures
  • Employee Security Procedures
  • General Safety and Security Procedures of Incoming/Outgoing Mail
  • Access to Information - Education and Communications
  • Guidelines for Mail Center Theft Prevention; and
  • Web sites to critical governmental organizations.

To view the recommendations, click here.  In addition, the U.S.Postal Service has prepared comprehensive Mail Security Guidelines.  To view this document, click here.