High Holy Days Security Planning

Jewish institutions are reminded that security awareness should remain a priority focus of planning and preparations. Facilities that have instilled a sense of security consciousness into their organizations can remain open and welcoming, while maintaining appropriate levels of security preparedness, particularly during the busy High Holy Days period. Advance planning with local law enforcement, trained members, and situational awareness can enhance levels of security while maintaining a comfortable, welcoming, albeit secure worship environment. By taking appropriate security measures, synagogues can both communicate a message of security consciousness and preparedness to congregants and guests as well as project an image of a hardened target which serves a deterrent effect.

Synagogue staff, security volunteers, and greeters should be on the lookout for suspicious persons and/or activity around their facilities, particularly during services and other gatherings. Suspicious activity, persons, and vehicles should be immediately reported to local law enforcement and/or security personnel.

Security Planning Resources

This page features an archive of best practices to provide you with the resource support for your security planning. We also strongly recommend and encourage you to remain in close contact with local law enforcement authorities and to include them in your security planning.


For additional information, please contact SCN at 844-SCN-DESK or dutydesk@securecommunitynetwork.org.