Alarm systems are a worthwhile investment in the protection of your home or business. Studies reveal that it is far less likely that you will become the victim of a burglary at home if you have a correctly-fitted and well-maintained alarm system.
There are basically two types of alarm systems:
Remote Signalling Alarms, including intruder alarms terminating at an approved central monitoring station. The central station will automatically contact the appropriate law enforcement agency to respond.
Audible Only and Hybrid Alarms, including bells-only and automatic dialing alarms. These require some indication that an offense is occurring such as from a witness or neighbor who calls the police.
Before choosing a company who installs the central monitoring type of alarm system, you should answer the following questions:
All alarm systems should have at least two keyholders who are trained to operate the alarm, able to attend activation within 20 minutes and available to be contacted by telephone.